Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 1 Listening

Welcome to my very first blog! To me life is all about stories. Some stories have happy endings and some do not. Others tell of mysteries or discoveries while some are like puzzles waiting to be solved. Throughout my life I’ve had this thing for water. I could tell you tons of stories from my past all centered around water, and that may happen. This blog however is more of an exploration of water with a purpose. I want to share with you what I learned about the water crises in Africa. So please, open your heart to the adventure we are about to encounter together. Open your mind to the connections that tie all of our stories together. Be willing to experiment, and discover life in a new way. My hope is that you will learn more about yourself, this incredible world we live in, and what purpose God has specifically for you!

This past weekend I participated in my Youth Group Retreat. Some may say I’m one of the leaders, but I feel more like a participant. I have found that I learn from the group more than I share. Jesus called us to become like children so that we too may enter His Kingdom. So I ask you to break down the walls that guard and protect your soul from the world. Open yourself up for child-like exploration and discovery. Let the Holy Spirit move in you and prepare to be changed.

We were asked to think about our talents and gifts. What were we each specifically designed to do and how could we put these talents to use? I came up with three things. First, I love listening. I listen for God, for direction and meaning. I like to listen to others to learn their stories. One of my top three spiritual gifts is creative communications. When I was younger it was through dance. As I got older I wrote poetry and sang. I have tried graphic and exhibit design and fiber arts. I believe this blog is a new way to creatively communicate what God wishes for me to share. I also love hands-on exploration. So this blog will have three parts. I will explore what God is showing me as it relates to water and faith. I will then include a hands-on component that will allow you to physically participate in this process. I will end in prayer so that together we may grow in our spiritual journey.

For Day One, I want you to listen. Listen for the different sounds of water. Hear water as it slowly drips from a facet. Turn the water up and hear it pour out and bounce off the bottom of the sink. As the water fills the sink, listen as it splashes and drops back into the water. Listen for the rain, the slow drops that gently tap against the window, or the hard knocks of hail that pound against the glass. Walk through snow when the temperatures are low and hear the crack as it gives way to the weight of your body. Fill a glass with ice and hear it hit hard against the bottom. Add water and listen to it shatter. Can you hear snow that is light and powdery? What about the hot sizzle of steam as it boils and bubbles? Take a walk in the woods and listen for gentle streams where the water runs through the earth, over rocks and mud. Image the Creator of this earth playing with water. What joy He must have when He sees us discovering one of his many creations. Image God speaking to us in the many different languages of water. What would he say to you?

Dear Lord, we long to hear you. Speak to us in gentle tones, let us know you are near. Lord, we are often tossed and turned against rocks and walls, battered by life. Come and surround us with your soothing comfort. When you call us to action speak in clear crisp sounds that we will recognize over the daily roar of life. Lord, may the Holy Spirit rise in us like accumulating water. May it spread to ever finger and toe so that we may act as your hands and feet in this world. Lord, we are listening and we are ready to engage and obey. Through your son’s name, the one who brought us living water that we pray. Amen.