Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Send in the Fog

Surrounded by fog today I was reminded of those moments when I feel covered in God’s love.  I am able to worship with a group of friends who are hungry for God.  I read the word and God speaks, softly but clearly, into my every need.  He fills me with his light and shines through me to others.  These are the times when God is out in plain view for all to see, usually because I have opened my heart to him and invited him into my life.  I am focused on God and it is effortless.

However, there are other times when as much as I long for his comfort and support that I find myself in a desert.  I feel alone, surrounded by nothing but dry dirt.  I long for just an ounce of water, but I don’t know where to look.  Actually, I do know where to look; I just don’t find myself going there.  I need to be searching his word for direction and hope, but I am lost in the pain, the loneliness, holding onto the anger and fear.  I hold onto the hopelessness because reaching out for God feels like to much work.  I am angry that he doesn’t reach out for me.  He knows that is what I want, why won’t He save me?

For many the trinity is a very hard concept to grasp.  The easiest explanation I have ever heard defined in it terms of water.  God is the ice at the core of it all.  He is the foundation that the world was built on.  Jesus is the water.  He flows around us and through us.  He provides the living waters that sustain us and bring us life.  His blood has washed our sins away allowing a relationship with God that is pure and holy.  The spirit is the steam, fog, or vapor that fills the air.  It is all around us, at times more visible then others.  It is the spirit that is hard to hold onto.  When we are dry it is hardly visible; when we are full of God it can be seen everywhere we go. 

When we are deep in despair and we find ourselves in dry land we are not alone.  God is just beneath the surface, but it will take a bit of effort to bring Him to the top.  We need a shovel or pick to break through the layers of dirt we are holding onto.  It will be worth it, trust me.  Pick up a bible and let the words guide you through the dirt to the core of all life. 

Sometimes it is fire that has left us dry and separated from God.  That fire comes from Satan.  He uses our sins to walk into our lives and muddy the waters, drying our souls and leaving us thirst and lost.  The fire may seem uncontrollable, but it is not.  Water will always put out the fire.  It will put up a fight, but in the end it will hiss like a snake and fade away.