Sunday, January 18, 2015

Treading Water in Poison

It was the middle of winter when we headed out by bus for our weekend youth retreat.  We settled into our rooms, filled the shelf above the window with more sugar than a group of girls should have in a month, let alone two days.  We were introduced to Daren, an athlete, who told us about the women and children in Africa who walk miles everyday for polluted water to survive; then we started walking in their shoes.  Through the dark we walked back up the long snow and ice covered road to where we first pulled into the camp.  There we found water jugs, one for each of us.  We were to carry them back to the cabin and use that as our water throughout the weekend.  We brushed our teeth, washed our faces, and carried the water to the mess tent for all of our meals.  We learned more about the conditions in Africa and what people all over the United States were doing to raise funds for water filters and wells.  We prayed, we brainstormed, and we asked God to show us each our individual strengths and how we could use them to help this cause. 

I enjoy writing, several of the girls loved photography, and a couple knew how to start a blog, so that’s what we did.  I asked God for words to share and each post related to my faith walk and water.  By capturing my faith and struggles I hoped to encourage and share about God's love with the youth around me.  God blessed all of us that weekend and for several years through this blog by showing us how to serve others with the gifts he gave us.  At the end of the weekend, our jugs stored under our chairs, we worshiped and thanked God.  Then we were asked to pick up our jugs and look underneath them.  Almost every jug bared the name of a parasite commonly found in the polluted water.  We took turns raising our hands; discovering about each parasite and the damage that it caused, and in the end there were few survivors.

I wonder why women and children would work so hard to do something that is so detrimental to their health.  As I ponder it, I realized sometimes you just don’t have a choice.  Life can be a race, which is won only by participating and taking your chances.  We walk by faith that God is watching, listening, and hopefully clearing the path before us.  If you have read past blogs you know that I have overcome being crippled, a cancer threat, lost children, the death of numerous friends, and so many other challenges too numerous to list.  Each time God was lifting me up, walking beside me, clearing my path, and whispering hope into my ears.  Recently I have been traveling through a season where God was saying it’s time to step up your game.  Faith like a muscle requires constant exercise and pushing your limits; I was in a comfort zone of triumph and grace. For over a year now I’ve been trying to tread water in a cesspool of poison, because that’s what I needed to do to survive.  I’ve juggled issues with my ministry, my health, my family, my job, my finances, you name it life has been about as unstable as it could get in every area of my life. I’ve needed a life line, someone to walk along side me and pull me out.  (The theme music to Rocky comes to mind.)  God created us to give when we are overflowing and to receive when we are drained.  I am so thankful to the pastors, prayer warriors, and amazing youth around me that have poured into me sips of hope, truth, strength, wisdom, and love.

I am fortunate to be surrounded by so many who care for me, who have my back.  At this moment Daren, who shared so much with us about serving as we are called, is presently running across the United States again to raise funds to provide filters and wells for those living on polluted water.  Join me in praying for, donating, and spreading the word that we are all called to serve, however we can, from wherever we are, those who are in need.