Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rachal in the Wind

Rachal, your death perplexes me. I am no stranger to death. I said good-bye to more friends before my 20th birthday then most say in a life-time. I have buried hundreds of friends and family over the years, but none have rocked me as much as your death. I want to know why. So, as you know I’m praying about it. What I know for certain is that you are up in Heaven right now enjoying a good glass of wine with Jesus and God and looking down at us all like dominoes and saying “you were using me to do all of that?” As I ask what is it about you that moves me I keep hearing “that you were the wind” and right now that is making sense. I know you would love this delving part, so I ask, “what is the wind like.”

There are some winds that gently blow up against things and people. You were like that. Even those who only worked with you for a month or so have been moved by your death and they don’t why. You touched them like the wind, gently, you moved them and they weren’t even aware.

There are some winds that physically move an object to a different place. You were like that. There are so many who not only found new meaning to their lives because of your perspective and wisdom, but those who made conscience choices to think and act in a different way because of your gently persuasion.

There are some winds however that move through people and objects; and to me that is who you are. Your spirit moved through me, not that I was always aware, but I now feel intertwined. I feel like God is reaching out to me with this lesson about how life is to change forever because of you. I am feeling led to see each and every relationship I make as one that touches all the way to the heart. I feel haunted by the depth of how much you touched me. It’s a bit uncomfortable, but I am learning to open up to it.

Lord I pray that a strain of what makes each person unique will twist with my heart strings and build a band of love that can overpower all evil and hatred. Lord, please use the spiritual winds of Rachal to bring a permanent change to this world. May love grow deeper, stronger, and more aggressively then ever before. May your will be done, and may we hear again Rachal’s sweet giggle in the wind, totally surprised and humbled by the change of events.

1 comment:

  1. you have such a way with words. this post was a blessing to me today, another "brush of the wind" on another person's life.
