Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Well of Living Water

The well of living water exists in the empty places; I didn’t realize it till recently. For the past four years there has been a veil of doubt that covered my heart and I didn’t know. I witnessed God’s love for lost souls, but I didn’t realize the power of that love. I shared that I have cried over the soul of Jeffrey Weiss, but not all of you know his story. Jeffrey was a little boy when his father committed suicide. He was barely eleven when his mother was injured beyond healing in a car accident. He moved to an Indian reservation in Minnesota before he became a teenage; an orphan of sorts, full of pain. He was alienated, bullied, and alone. That pain turned inward and he became the bully. At sixteen he murdered his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend, the school security guard, a teacher, and six students before he killed himself. I have cried for his soul in Hell because he was as much a victim of life as the lives he took. I have been angry with God for not saving his soul. I recently figured out I never asked. My faith was so blind to the power of God it never occurred to me he could be saved. While praying into this a little while ago I remembered that Jesus traveled into Hell once and I realized he could again. The scripture verse that says there is no place we can hide from God popped into my head. I asked God to save Jeffrey’s soul from Hell and I heard “done.” How often we are in the middle of a struggle and forget that the answer to our peace is just a few words away. The waters of life are endless, powerful, and always available for those who fully trust in God.

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