Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Focus in the Fog

Have you ever noticed that when you are going through spiritual, emotional, or physical storms it is very easy to get confused in the fog?  It’s like everything is fighting for your attention and you can’t seem to figure out which direction to go.  Even those with a strong navigation system can get turned around in the fog by other influences.  If you’re driving it’s best to pull over and wait for the fog to pass, but that’s not recommended when you are on a journey towards Christ.  My instinct lately has been to you stand still and wait for it to end, but God clearly called me to stop waiting and to focus on him and move.

What does this look like?  It’s hard to say, remember I’m in the fog.  Sorry, a little fog humor there.  But seriously, it means in order to get out of the fog you really need to just focus on Christ and nothing else.  Anything that is distracting you from moving out of the fog, give it to Jesus.  So, if you are in physical pain and all you can think about is how much it hurts and how tired you are, pray.  Tell Jesus the pain is making it hard to hear and see his plans for you.  Ask him to take on the pain himself so that you can better serve him.  Then move on.   Know that Christ will remove that pain and that you are not meant to sit around and moan.  Start living because that’s what you were created for!

If you are surrounded by emotional drama may your eyes be like lasers focused on Christ.  Let the entire he said/she said fall to the sides and be who God created you to be.  I was reminded of a statement I made a few years ago about work this past week.  I actually wrote in print and turned into my superiors “I work for God.”  Yes, I have bosses at work, but if my focus is doing what God created me to do then everything falls into place.  If I’m all concerned about the drama and trying to please my bosses and figure out what they want I lose track of who my real boss is and everything gets messy.  If I instead turn to God while I work and ask for his direction I am serving the Kingdom using the gifts he gave me.  When that happens the people I serve are blessed and God blesses me as well.  It’s a win-win situation.

Our spiritual journeys for the most part take place in the storms, no getting out of this one.  If you are stepping out in faith you can expect plenty of storms.  The difference is when you are focused on Christ there is a lighthouse in the distance and the beam is focused on you.  You can be surrounded by rocks, flames, and lightening yet your path will be clear and safe because Christ is taking all that on himself so that you can walk peacefully through with God.  This is the hardest one to do because it requires a huge amount of trust and faith, but it is so worth it.  This is really what it’s all about.  We are in a training program when we turn to God.  The trials start out small and get bigger and bigger, so that we may slowly increase our trust and faith.  No matter the size of your struggle, if you believe in God, start trusting that faith today!

I love the visual God showed me this morning when I was praying (yes, in the shower).  I saw this horse pulling a buggy through the fog.  The horse had the side blinders on, so he wouldn’t get spooked and frightened.  I believe that is how we are to maneuver through the fog, with blinders on to block out all the distractions.  We are to focus straight ahead on Christ so that one day we will reach our destination.  May you have a memorable ride!

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