Sunday, May 1, 2011

Walking in the Steps

I grew up in an interdenominational church, one my great grandfather helped build in the early 1900s. I was baptized as an infant, I gave my life to God when I was 12 and went through confirmation when I was in the nineth grade. I’ve always been blessed by the immersion baptisms at church, but I have never felt led to do it myself. Imagine my surprise when during the early Easter service I heard God say “you need to do this.” I started praying into it and asking why. I didn’t really get an answer, just a gentle push. The first service ended and I wasn’t convinced. I was in the prayer room for the second service. Between prayers I would ask God repeatedly “are you sure?”

It was a blessing to pray over all those who had asked for prayers and I was again surprised when we finished early and it was suggested we join the service at the end. I planned to stand in the back, but found myself heading to the front from the far side. I pulled into a seat near the front shaking and still asking why. When it seemed the service was about to end I found myself taking off my shoes and walking toward the front. I was met by an elder who took my hand and started leading me to the tub. As I passed my son I asked him to join me, for some reason I knew he needed to be there too. As we headed to the platform I was still confused. I believe in God, I know he is my redeemer, I know I am a sinner and I chose not to live without God, why did I need to do this? I start every day in the shower praying to be cleansed from my sin and committing to walking in Christ’s footsteps. (Hence the name of this blog) What was it that God wanted me to learn? It’s taken a week to figure it out and I’m glad I obeyed.

Leading up to the days before and after the crucifixion the disciples were also confused. Jesus had promised them a new kingdom, greater than any that had ever been known. He had been teaching them a new way of thinking and living. He had done miracles no one had seen before. Shirley he was the one they were waiting for. Then it all started to fall apart. Judas betrayed Christ, Peter denied knowing him, Thomas doubted, even Jesus asked does it have to be this way? Christ was taken away, beaten, humiliated, striped of his flesh and blood, mocked, and forced to carry his own cross. What happened to the promise? Had they been mislead, lied to? Was it all over? Suddenly, they found themselves in the middle of a storm.

Well, it appears that’s the way it works. There are seasons to following Christ. The first comes when we turn to him and believe in the promise. We have to take that first step to obey and trust. The second is the storms that come from that promise. You see God doesn’t want wimps following him, it’s serious business (not to be confused with strength, it‘s just not a leap you can only do half way). Sometimes we promise to do things for God and it is Satan that comes after us; throwing everything he can come up with to stop us from being obedient to God. Other times we believe in God, but we waffle in our trust. God uses the daily storms in our lives to help us to learn how much he loves us and to grow our trust and faith in him. When we believe and trust in him, when we know all the way to our souls that he is in us and with us, and nothing will shake that faith, he completes his promise. We have to be ready to receive the promise and sometimes that takes time.  Sometimes we have to have faith that what we ask may not be what is best for us.  We have to believe that God knows what that is and will see us through.

I was stilling discussing it with God all the way up the stairs, but when I got up there I made a commitment to see it through, God wanted me to do this and I said yes. I hiked up my dress and stepped into the tub. God doesn’t leave us during the trials, he is always there and he send others to help us out and walk along side us. I had to trust in those taking me down and bringing back up as I free fell back into the water. It could be my weight, but as I hit the water I was reminded of God parting the Red Sea for the Israelites. He always provides a way to his promise, some more spectacular than others, but there is always a way.

When I finally hit the water and I was ready to come back up, but that’s not how it works either. We have to go all the way under. You can’t make it through a trial if you’re not ready to go all the way through. I wonder how many times we walk into a trial then flounder there longer then we need to because we aren’t willing to experience or do what we are suppose to. We need to face our fears and work through them before we can get to the other side. Finally, after going all the way under, I came back up thanks to the pastor and my son. I felt like I had taken a step in the right direction and my family and friends where there to support me. I had done what God called me to do, but I still needed to reflect to figure out what God wanted me to learn.

I’m in the middle of many storms right now. I've been hanging out in the middle of some of these storms, not willing to experience the trials of taking those necessary steps.  I have been questioning whether God was with me or not. I now know he is. He hasn’t left my side.  In the last couple weeks I have stepped out and committed to my faith and my priorities at home and at work.  I know now that soon the storms will pass and things will be fixed and it will all be to his glory. If you are in a trial right now and you have put your trust in God, believe in that trust. The trials are there to bring you character and strength; you will need to accept the promise.

God loves us through all seasons. The seasons, like our weather repeat themselves and form a patterns. Once is never enough; with each promise will come new trials, and at the end of each storm there will be a rainbow!

“Don’t be afraid, I’ve redeemed you. I’ve called your name. You’re mine. When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end — Because I am God, your personal God, The Holy of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you: all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in! That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you! I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.” Isaiah 43:1b-4 (The Message)

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