Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 2 Thirst

Imagine, you are a twelve year old girl living in Zambia. You could be going to school each day, but instead you walk 4-6 miles to gather water for your family. It is a long walk in the hot sun, alone and the weight of the water strains your arms and legs. When you get back you share the water with your family only to get sick from the parasites in the water. So I have to ask, why do you think this happens daily in Zambia? It is because the body thirsts for water. It is made of 80% water. You can live for weeks without food, but you can only go a couple days without water. For this reason families drink dirty, germ infested water. We were created to thirst. The more water we drink the healthier we are. Science has shown that water has a positive affect on almost every organ in the body.

God created man to thirst not only for physical water but also for living water. Jesus came to prepare and provide a means for us to receive the Holy Spirit. Within each one of us is a void that nothing here on earth will ever be able to fill. Man tries to fill this void with money, love, power, pride, drugs, alcohol, and many other things, but nothing ever comes close to meeting our thirst for God.

As you go about your day today make note of what it is that you try to fill the void with. It is your family, your grades, your athletic abilities, your friendships, your relationships, your job, and income, or the material things you own? Ask yourself if they really make you happy. Do you have peace or are you always wanting more? Are you ready to accept the Holy Spirit into your life? Are you ready to fill the void for the first and last time? Then talk to God.

Father, I thirst for you. There is a hollow place in my soul that longs to be filled by you. So come Holy Spirit come and fill me so that I may be whole. Lord, forgive me for my foolishness and pride that I could do what only you are able. Lord, without you I am lost and empty. Today, by your Spirit I am complete. Lead me in your ways Lord. May your Holy Spirit burn in me and change me from the inside out. Lord, your grace and mercy brings me life on this earth and for eternity. I thank you Lord, that your love sets me free and gives me purpose. I praise you alone Lord, in your son’s name. Amen.

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