Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 3: IT IS YOU

Think about it… water is everywhere. It is in the atmosphere around us, on the ground we walk, in the food we eat, in the liquids we drink, in the plants we grow and the lakes and seas we swim. It completely surrounds us. Simply put, IT IS.

How fitting that we are surround by a creator who refers to himself as I AM. He alone is the beginning and the end. He is with us in the middle, always. It is hard to comprehend that no matter what we do, how seriously we sin, how far from His path we stray He will never leave our side. I have seen families, businesses, and churches torn apart from sin. I myself have wondered to the point of being lost, yet I am humbled to realize through it all God was present. He was there in the middle of the mess waiting, patiently waiting, on us to turn to Him for help.

Take a moment and think back to the last time you were lost. Close your eyes and open your ears to that time of struggle. Ask God to show Himself to you. Look carefully. Where was He in that situation? Listen for the ones He sent your way to help you. No matter how far away you walked, He followed. No matter what, He will never, I said NEVER, leave your side. He IS all you need. Like the life sustaining water, He will fill every need and bring you life abundantly.

Lord, I am blessed by your love, that you thrive to follow this sinner to the ends of the earth. That you love me beyond reason, even when I run from you. You are more than I can comprehend or know. I thank you for loving me, for surrounding me like warm water on a cold day. Lord you cover me with your blessings. You are the ground, the rock I stand on. You fill me to overflowing with your love and grace. Lord I praise you during storms and gentle showers for you bring me life. IT IS YOU that I long for.  In your son’s name. Amen.

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